Hi, just to simply go through my Sep's life!
I went a prom, which was organised by Monash and located at the One World Hotel.
It was pretty grand and classic. The lighting effect and it's stage design were prefect match too. But the most amazed for me was it's fashion show! Although the models aren't professional, but thier staidness and their costume and makeup had presented their conscientiously as well.
Besides, the Prom King and Queen competition was watchable too.
Why? Because it was slightly different with some of the coll's and uni's prom king and queen(especially my ex coll). Their participants were all quite good looking and it's far more better than my ex college (Tarc) haha!
The prom Queen was so pretty and i like the prom King! Handsome! Wooh**
Back to point, the winner of King and Queen have lived up to their honor and they deserved it!
Here're few pictures of us on that day. I failed to capture the pictures of the fashion show and prom's competition due to the lighting effect of the venue.
So just look at us! XDD
But what i want to say is..i woke up at 430 and after having my brunch, i only used half an hour to dress up myself.
So it's too vapidness because it's too rush!
I not really prepare for it =(
I think i better prepare well on the coming prom of my uni! lol XD