Like what i said in my fb, my blog was so dead!
My blog has fallen into disuse for more than half year!! I've leave it with completely unattended because I was so lazy =/
So, I decided not to be lazy anymore! Because this is also one of my way to keep contact with my friends.
I have to train myself to be hardworking before i start my university's life! This is a Must!!
So let's start it here! At least i wont feel too bored at home. >.< .
I can felt myself like a worm everyday since last three months! A lazy one! Sorry Jac, i shouldn't say you like that! haha! Wake up, eat, movies, eat, and sleep...It repeating nearly everyday in my life! However, there are some happy moments in these few months too. I went KL and Genting few times and i went Thailand..but Thailand was too hot and I dont like it! Besides, I passed my convocation, my cousin's wedding, and my mum & my boyfriend's birthday. Oh ya, I got a new baby! My baby Ashlynn!
Cute?? She's my sister's daughter! The new member in our family! And also the new generation in this family! Welcome Ashlynn! Cheers~♥