Same as yesterday...
wake up at 6am..done everythings just wake the two worms up!!
Our breakfast today are Hong Kong's "tradition breakfast"
It's delicious~
but their shop is too narrow..full of tables and chairs
and we still need to share table with others..
can imagine there is so many people
After breakfast...we stride forward to our destination today
Ocean Park

It's damn hot today!!!

We take this photo in "帝京酒店"..
and yesterday there is a people who live in this hotel had suffer to H1N1
but the hotel didn't keep apart...
luckly everyone was safe ♥

buying "kepo magazine"(八卦杂志)

Finally reach Ocean Park ♥

Kissing the crocodile (杨子鳄)
there is only left 150 in the world

in the cable car ♥

naughty "ballon people" squeeze us untill can't see my face!!

the third one from left is me..♥

with the clown...he is so cool

big corcodile!!!

in dinasour's mounth ♥

viewing the scenery of hong cost me hk15..

watching the famous dolphin show ♥

My big bro n ME ♥

pretty mermaid ♥

the panda behind me is so so cute!!! ♥

It's really hot...